Es gibt 1 Beitrag von ecodog
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So it seems I'm the first one to review this film, when it's showing for five days already.
I'll be curt and brief on this one:
"The Family Stone" will make you remember your values and what you think is important in life.
There certainly are a few pathetic scenes, and I hated the parts when true and deep emotions are cut short by some screwball element. In Europe, some moments would have been elaborated on, e.g. when Everett (very convincing: Dermot Mulroney)learns his mother is terminally ill and is grieving, or his inner fight when he notices he is more attracted to his girlfriend's sister.
TFS is an American film (the gay couple never kisses, there is product placement, the protagonists screw up frequently and are sorry afterwards instead of contemplating on their behaviour beforehand), but it manages fine to focus on prejudices and black-and-white attitudes.
The cast is superb, everyone is doing a very fine appearance, with a very authentic Sarah J. Parker...but Diane Keaton is, come as no surprise, absolutely brilliant and fantastic and beats them all.
The film released me into a cold night with a warm feeling in my heart and the certainty of what is dear to me in my life and how I want to cherish these things.
TFS will probably make you cry, make you laugh, but, above all, it will touch a part of your soul, because it is honest and is not shy of looking honestly at how people are and how we treat each other. It might put your mind at ease.
A wonderful Christmas Movie, for sure.
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