Es gibt 46 Beiträge von poodles
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I'm not sure whether Denzel Washington was right for the role. Russel Crowe kind of didn't really "hit between the eyes" either." Perhaps it is simply the story that take centre-stage here: a movie-presentation about the drug business in New York during the Vietnam war. Long, lazy watching, not too much blood guts, one is simply a spectator without being jolted out of one's cinema seat. Poodles was left feeling quite satisfied.
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I was totally boured (!) Disappointing. Sorry Matt, find a better movie next time to shine in. Julia Stiles was bouring (!) too. For some apparent smart spy-woman she was pretty stupid and passive. Like, not even remotely believable. My recommendation: watch a re-run of O.J. Simpson's chase, far more exciting. Summary: Action-film for beginners.
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Da wird einiges Selbsverständliches auf dem Kopf gestellt in diesem Film: nicht nur das Gesundheitsystem, sondern, das "Menschen-System" schlichthin. Wie gehen wir mit einander um? Interresant: es gibt Nachrichten aus England dass Menschen dort sich selbst die Zähne ziehen da dass von Michael Moore hoch-gelobte Gesundesheit System überfordert ist. Da könnte jemand bestimmt Sicko Teil II produzieren. Trotzdem, der Film bringt einem zum Denken und zwar über sehr wichtige Themen.
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"I would do everything for my child." Many do what Irina Palm did. Quick and easy judgements meet hard life. Calm and quietly funny movie. Moral of the story: Don't judge a (wo)man, unless you walked in his/her shoes. No Oscar-winning film but well worth a visit unless you want fast action and indulge in cheap voyarism.
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Mindless talk, thin storyline, lots of violence for no good decipherable reason: But hey, is life that much different? is the question I was left asking afterwards. Kurt Russell is one great Mr Nasty and holds the movie together. I switched off the brain after about 5 minutes, indulged in some basic bad vs good guys/gals action and didn't make anymore out of it. This movie comfortably passed the time on a slow, rainy night, and will be forgotten 6 months later. This is no high-brow movie nor does it pretend to be.
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I mas mesmerized by this black psychological fairytale meets real life: little innocent girl meets Pan while the facist killers of the Spanish Civil War do their cruel deeds. The fairy tale transports the horrors that regular narrative barely can. But that's the purpose of fairytales and stories: psychoanalysts would be out of a job if they didn't. Liberal notions that "all men and good and kind" can be tossed in the bin though. Lots of morals to contemplate and thoughts to chew on after watching the film. Multiple level, highly recommended!!
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The main actor looks nothing like the real Mandela, but he sure sounds like him (hint: watch it in English!) I enjoyed the movie, although I didn't like Diane Kruger too much.
But I was given a distinct impression of the dignity Mandela possessed and the charisma he exuded. It's the kind of movie that one simply needs to see, to know more about South Africa and Apartheid. And that freedom, is not the guaranteed state we like to assume it is.
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This is an íntelligent, hard-hitting movie that tells it like it is, about how the UN, and the West, betrayed 2,500 people who put their faith in them during the Rwandan genocide.
This story was written and produced in part by survivors. It's serious, it's real, it's must-see. Next time you hear on CNN "X people got killed by Y militia in Z-country.".. you might be tempted to pay closer attention. Go see!
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Forget the fact that most of the other actors aren't "great". Forest Whitaker as Idi Amin is larger than life and totally dominates the movie as he should, playing a completely insane ruler in Uganda. What makes the movie great, is the reveals the total lunacy, the twisted logic used by Amin to justify his actions and his aim. The doctor is quite naive, but I'm sure his type exist all over the place in real life.
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The "good guy vs bad guy" Mafia plot is not that new, and I'm not sure if it's got enough nailbiting suspense to warrant a top rating. Despite those Oscars. It really wasn't too hard to figure out where the movie was going. This only gets three stars: One for Leonardo DiCaprio, one for Matt Damon, and one for Jack Nicholson. Toss a coin or read another review if unsure whether to see it. This is after all only my opinion.
Schund und Vergnügen
„Guilty Christmas Pleasures: Weihnachtsfilme“ im Filmstudio Glückauf Essen – Foyer 12/24
Hagener Bühne für den Filmnachwuchs
„Eat My Shorts“ in der Stadthalle Hagen – Foyer 11/24
Die ganze Palette Kino
9. European Arthouse Cinema Day – Festival 11/24
Kunst des Nicht-Wegschneidens
„Anna Zeit Land“ im Filmforum – Foyer 10/24
Restitution von Kolonialraubkunst
„Dahomey“ und „The Story of Ne Kuko“ im Filmforum – Foyer 10/24
„Die Geschichte ist jetzt unfassbar aktuell“
Regisseur Andreas Dresen über „In Liebe, Eure Hilde“ – Gespräch zum Film 10/24
Der Sieg des Glaubens
„Führer und Verführer“ im Kölner Odeon mit Regisseur Joachim Lang – Foyer 07/24
Lichtspiele mit Charme
Eröffnung der Ausstellung „Glückauf – Film ab!“ im Ruhr-Museum – Foyer 07/24
„Es geht um Geld, Gerechtigkeit und Gemeinschaft“
Regisseurin Natja Brunckhorst über „Zwei zu eins“ – Gespräch zum Film 07/24
Der Tod, der uns verbindet
NRW-Premiere von Eva Trobischs „Ivo“ – Foyer 06/24
„Wir erlebten ein Laboratorium für ein anderes Miteinander“
Carmen Eckhardt über „Lützerath – Gemeinsam für ein gutes Leben“ – Portrait 05/24
Wenn Kino Schule macht
Die Reihe Filmgeschichte(n) spürt Schulgeschichten auf – Festival 05/24
„Ich wollte die Geschichte dieser Mädchen unbedingt erzählen“
Karin de Miguel Wessendorf über „Kicken wie ein Mädchen“ – Portrait 04/24
Sichtbarkeit vor und hinter der Leinwand
Das IFFF fordert Gleichberechtigung in der Filmbranche – Festival 04/24
„Ich mag realistische Komödien lieber“
Josef Hader über „Andrea lässt sich scheiden“ – Roter Teppich 04/24
„Kafka empfand für Dora eine große Bewunderung“
Henriette Confurius über „Die Herrlichkeit des Lebens“ – Roter Teppich 03/24
„Alles ist heute deutlich komplizierter geworden“
Julien Hervé über „Oh la la – Wer ahnt denn sowas?“ – Gespräch zum Film 03/24
Bären für NRW-Filme?
21. NRW-Empfang im Rahmen der 74. Berlinale – Foyer 02/24
„Man kann Stellas Wandel gut nachvollziehen“
Jannis Niewöhner über „Stella. Ein Leben.“ – Roter Teppich 02/24
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Nosferatu – Der Untote
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